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Social campaign "Support your school" and a lottery with more than 300 themed prizes
For the second year running, Mall Varna with the support of Municipality of Varna, organized the social campaign "Support your school". At the end of the campaign one of the schools in the city will benefit amount of 1500 BGN from Mall Varna and a special party in Playground.
There are two ways to support any one of the schools in Varna - in Facebook using a specially created application or shopping at the center. The online application contains a table with the list of the schools in the territory of Varna. The attractive form of the game allowed the participation to vote only once for the favorite school, but anytime after it they could check the results and leave comments: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mall-Varna/150902618265696?sk=app_304758819621435
The other option to join the campaign let you vote as much as you spend in Mall Varna. For every 10 BGN spent in any of the stores in the center, customers receive a special ticket giving them the right to vote for their favorite school on the one hand and participated to the lottery on the other.
Each ticket entitles to participate in a lottery for 6 bikes Sprint, 60 free admission tickets to a 3D movie in Arena and more than 300 other prizes provided by the outlets in the center. Prizes in the raffle will be drawn on 27 August, 3, 10, 17, 24 September and 1 October 2012.
There were more than 1500 votes in the Facebook applications in the first three days of the campaign.