Event calendar

April meetings in the school hosted by 9 Months Magazine

April meetings in the school hosted by 9 Months Magazine

2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 April, 10 A.M., Capella Play

April arrives with new meetings arranged for parents by 9 Months Magazine – every Thursday starting at 10 A.M. at the Capella Play children and family center.

On 2 April the homeopath Dr. Kremena Hadzhieva will tell future mothers how homeopathy and Schuessler therapy can help their babies to grow up healthy.

A week later they will hear advice from Silviya Lambova on the topic "Preparing the home for the baby. What you should and what you absolutely must buy", and on 16 April midwife Elena Vasileva will deliver a lecture on "Breathing for painless delivery".

On 23 April pediatrician Dr. Yuliana Yorgova will acquaint the audience with the most common allergies occurring during infancy, and on the last day of the month nutritionist Dr. Darina Naydenova will engage the attention of the ladies with valuable advice on nutrition and rapid recovery after childbirth.