Event calendar

Mall Adventures in November Mall Adventures 3th, 10th, 17th and 24th, November, start: 13:00Mall adventures games continues in November. Two actors dressed in special yellow uniforms ...

Santa Claus is coming to Varna Mall Date: 28 November, 18:00Traditionally, he will descend from the roof of the mall in front of the guests. Variety of music and dance program, lots of chocolates ...

Take a picture with Santa Claus at Mall Varna December, every day from 11:00 till 19:00Visit Santa in Mall Varna until end of December for the chance to take pictures with him and spread holiday smiles....

Buy a Gift card from Mall Varna and win a second one! Campaign duration: 2 to 31 December 2013.With more than 150 retail stores, great restaurants and cafes, the Mall Varna Gift Card is the perfect gift ...