

Health & Beauty Festival - 12 May

12. May 2012
Health & Beauty Festival - 12 May
12 May 

11.00 With respect to health: Current nutritional deficiencies and additions - Dr Darina Naydenova, a nutrition and dietetics specialist, assistant professor at the Varna Medical University  
12:00 Status of children’s dental health in Varna and prevention programs - Dr. Borislav Dakovski, dentist 
13:00 In the mood for weight loss! To start the summer season convincingly - Day Spa Beauty Academy 
14:00 Chronic Pain - drug-free treatment by the methods of ancient acupuncture, homeopathy and hypnosis - Dr. Yanni Stefanov 
15:00 Zumba Fitness demonstration - Mirror School of Dance 
16.00 Bioactive anti-age therapy "golden glow" with Spa Abyss products 
17:00 Moon, health and beauty - fundamental principles of a healthy lifestyle described in the lunar cycle - Helena Pencheva, astrologer 
18:00 Bioresonance diagnostics and therapy. Presentation and demonstration. 
Request admission at: info@mallvarna.bg  
19:00 On the Power of the Mind: The Three "Ps" Law: similar things attract each other. The conscious dreams and how to use the full capacity of our brain - Elenko Angelov, psychologist 
Food for the brain - Elena Terzieva, managing director of www.zdravosloven.com