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Great show, fun and prizes for everyone at the City Halloween parade 2017
01. November 2017A highlight of the celebration was the concert featuring the most popular songs from Walt Disney movies and the dance of the young talents from the Ely Dance Ballet School. Martin and Svetlana's ringing voices "teleported" guests and participants to the world of their favorite cartoon characters and turned the stage into a fabulous disco.
The Halloween parade lasted for over 3 hours, during which all participants, under the guidance of the "lead vampires" - the actors from the Puppet Theater in Varna, surprised the audience with unusual ideas, crafted costumes and beautiful pumpkin lanterns. More than 300 children from several-months-old babies to teens / high school students, competed for the awards provided by Playground, Capella Play, Cantonata pizzeria, Carnival Kids, Orange center, Energy Club Sports Club and the hosts from Mall Varna EAD. However, there were gifts for everyone: beautiful Disney books from Egmont Publishing House and delicious cranberry cakes from Pobeda AD, one of the leading sweets manufacturers in Bulgaria.
Halloween passed away, but for all the dreadful characters from the City Halloween parade 2017 the celebration continues with Mall Varna’s online contest for the best photo of the carnival evening. Until November 8, the photos of the participants will be attracting "likes" on the shopping mall Facebook page and the top three of them, with the most likes, will win great prizes.