

Trampoline Park – Antidepressant for All Ages

28. October 2018
Trampoline Park – Antidepressant for All Ages
The Trampoline Park, the most recent attraction in Varna for those who love entertainment and strong emotions, is already part of the Shopping and Entertainment Center Mall Varna EAD. In our spacious hall, located on the first floor, a whole bunch of springy surfaces coming in all kinds of sizes and configurations will tempt kids and adults to “challenge” Earth’s gravity.

“While bouncing on a trampoline is an Olympic discipline, those who participate in it will get much adrenaline, with positive effects only. With us, you may try doing some space jams, play dodgeball, or just seek out the limits of gravity. You may burn out some calories in an amusing way, and if you feel like going to a party or have a birthday and are looking for “something special”, your holiday in the Trampoline Park will be definitely long-remembered by all guests”, the attraction’s organizers commented.

The experience is truly unique and serves as an antidepressant. And most importantly, there is no age limit for participants, once the kids are over 3 years old. We recommend that their height is not more than 170 centimeters, and their weight – no more than 100 kilograms.