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03. July 2019
Annex No. 2 to Art. 6
(Amended - SG. issue No. 3 of 2006, amended and supplemented - SG, issue No. 3 of 2011, amended and supplemented - SG, issue No. 12 of 2016, in force as of 12.02.2016, amended - SG, issue No. 3 of 2018, amended - SG, issue No. 31 of 2019, in force as of 12.04.2019)
I. Contact details of the investor:
1. Name, permanent address, company name and headquarters.
MALL VARNA EAD, Unified Identification Code 200169041, with headquarters and registered address: city of Sofia 1113, Izgrev region, Iztok residential district, 17 Frédéric Joliot-Curie Street, block 2, 11th floor, apartment 20
2. Full postal address: City of Sofia 1113, Izgrev region, Iztok residential district, 17 Frédéric Joliot-Curie Street, block 2, 11th floor, apartment 20
Full postal address for correspondence: City of Sofia, 34 Nikolay Haytov Street, 1st floor
3. Telephone, fax and e-mail: 0877 51 08 75,
4. Contact person: Branimirova Ivanova
II. Summary of the investment project:
1. Characteristics of the investment project:
a) dimensions, affected area, parameters, scale, volume, production capacity, scope, overall structure of the investment project;
This information concerns an investment project that envisages the following:
This information concerns an investment project that envisages the construction of a two-floor annex to the existing building of Mall Varna EAD. The annex will accommodate two new shops and a corridor thereto on the second level, where the first level will be entirely used for a passage for vehicles and passengers. In order to develop the functional connection of the second level between the new annex and the existing site, restructuring and change of the designation is planned with respect to an existing shop located in a corridor to the annex.
The following documents have been issued for the existing building of MALL Varna EAD located in regulated land plot XXIII-1a, 541, 567, 587, quarter 26 according to the master plan of the 26th micro-region of Varna Municipality:
An effective cadastral map by virtue of Order RD 18-98/10.11.2008.
c) utilisation of natural resources during the construction and operation of the earth bowels, soil, water and biodiversity;
The natural resources that will be used during the construction include water and the land on which the annex will be constructed. A minimum amount of inert materials (such as sand and gravel) and energy resources (electricity and water) will be used. The excavated humus will be used for reclamation and modelling of the terrain and during the landscaping activities. The excess quantities will be transported to places designated for this purpose.
The investment project does not involve extraction of mineral resources.
Modern and high-quality construction materials will be used during the construction process, which will be supplied by companies specialised in their production.
d) waste generation - types and quantities of waste, method of treatment and waste waters;
Part of the dredged spoils generated during the construction works will be used for backfilling and modelling of the terrain. The materials that cannot be used for backfilling and the mixed construction waste will be temporarily stored and transported to the closest landfill and treated in accordance with the requirements of the Waste Management Act.
No hazardous waste will be generated during the construction process.
The household waste waters will be discharged to the sewage network through the existing sewage connection of the building to the existing street sewerage. There is a plan to collect the storm waters from the annex roof and discharge them into the existing site sewerage within the regulated land plot.
e) pollution and adverse impact; environmental discomfort;
The activities that will be conducted during the construction and operation of the site are not associated with any harmful emissions to the environment, including air, soils, water, climate, etc.
The activities are not associated with noise level above the limit values permitted by the law. No other physical adverse impacts are expected.
f) risk of major accidents and/or disasters related to the investment project;
The activities that will be performed during the construction and operation of the site do not involve any risk of major accidents or disasters.
g) risks for human health because of an adverse impact on the factors of the living environment within the meaning of § 1, section 12 of the supplementary provisions to the Health Act.
No risks for human health or adverse impacts on the factors of the living environment are expected.
All the necessary measures to prevent any accidents during the construction and operation of the site will be undertaken.
2. Location of the site, including necessary area for the temporary activities during the construction works.
The investment project will be implemented in XXIII-1a, 541, 567, 587, QUARTER 27 ACCORDING TO THE PLAN OF 26th MICRO-REGION of Varna Municipality.
The property is owned by MALL VARNA EAD, Unified Identification Code 200169041, with headquarters and registered address: city of Sofia 1113, Izgrev region, Iztok residential district, 17 Frédéric Joliot-Curie Street, block 2, 11th floor, apartment 20.
Picture No. 1
3. Description of the main processes (according to catalogue data), capacity, including capacity of the equipment where presence of hazardous substances under Annex No. 3 of the Environment Protection Act is expected.
The site will not generate any harmful emissions to the environment beyond the ones that are normal for such sites. The project does not envisage and does not involve any hazard of environmental pollution. The new annex to the existing building will be situated within the spot outlined by the construction lines under the effective detailed land development plan.
The main processes that will take place on the territory of the new annex will be of commercial nature.
4. Scheme of any new or change to an existing road infrastructure.
The property will be accessed through the existing streets. The newly planned building will use the existing entrances and exits of the site.
No change to the existing road infrastructure or construction of a new one is planned.
5. Programme of activities, including construction works, operation and closing phases, recovery and subsequent use.
The site will be constructed in a single stage. At present it is not possible to specify the expected duration of the construction works.
All construction and excavation works will take place within the boundaries of the regulated land plot, with no plans to utilise any other sites for their implementation.
6. Proposed construction methods
Modern and high-quality construction materials will be used during the construction process, which will be supplied by companies specialised in their production.
The construction works and installation of equipment that will be performed will consider the environment to the maximum possible extent and will minimise any impact on its natural components. Materials with the relevant certificates that guarantee the performance quality will be used.
7. Justification of the need of the investment project.
This information concerns the following investment project, particularly:
The property falls within the mixed-multi-purpose land development zone, with the following urban development indicators:
Maximum intensity ratio – 3.5
maximum construction density – 60 %
minimum amount of green areas – 40 %
The change of designation of the property and the activities that will be performed therein are compatible with the activities permitted within the urban development area.
8. Plan, maps and pictures showing the boundaries of the investment project and providing information about the physical, natural and anthropogenic characteristics and about the elements of the National Environmental Network located in the vicinity and the closest sites that are subject to health protection and the required distances thereto.
The investment project will be implemented in XXIII-1a, 541, 567, 587, QUARTER 27 ACCORDING TO THE PLAN OF 26th MICRO-REGION of Varna Municipality.
The investment project is not located in the vicinity of any sites from the National Environmental network and will not cause any adverse impact on human health.
The territory that is the subject of this investment project does not fall within the boundaries of protected territories within the meaning of the Protected Territories Act. It does not fall within the boundaries of protected areas from the European environmental network “Natura 2000”.
There is no information about any other owners or land users within the boundaries of the regulated land plot, other than the investor - MALL VARNA EAD.
10. Sensitive territories, including sensitive areas, vulnerable areas, protected areas, safeguard zones around water sources and household drinking water supply facilities and around sources of mineral waters used for healing, prophylaxis, drinking and hygiene purposes, etc.; National Environmental Network.
The implementation of the investment project will not affect any existing sensitive territories. It is not located in the vicinity of sources of mineral and curing waters or in the vicinity of sites from the National Environmental Network.
11. Other activities related to the investment project (e.g. extraction of construction materials, new water mains, extraction or transmission of energy, residential construction).
Access for transportation: The property will be accessed through the existing streets. The newly planned building will use the existing entrances and exits of the site. No change to the existing road network or construction of a new one is planned.
Heating: An autonomous air-conditioning and ventilation system (VRF) will be installed in the annex, which will receive power supply through connection of new cables to the existing electrical switchboard in the shopping centre.
Power supply: The new annex will receive power from the existing installation of the shopping centre, with new cables to the main switchboard of the site.
Water supply: The existing building is connected to the water supply network through the building water supply connections. The new annex will use the existing facilities within the property. No changes to the current water supply of the site are envisaged.
Waste water discharge: The household waste waters will be discharged to the sewage network through the sewage connection of the building to the existing street sewerage. There is a plan to collect the storm waters from the annex roof and discharge them into the existing site sewerage within the regulated land plot. No changes to the existing waste water discharge from the property are foreseen.
No explosives will be used and there will be no extraction of construction materials.
12. Other necessary authorisations related to the investment project.
A building permit is required for implementation of the investment project, which shall be issued by the Chief Architect of Varna Municipality.
III. Location of the investment project that could cause adverse impact on the unstable environmental characteristics of the geographic regions, based on which these characteristics need to be considered, particularly:
1. current and approved land use;
There is no information about any other owners or land users within the boundaries of the regulated land plot, other than the investor - MALL VARNA EAD.
2. wetlands, riparian areas and river estuaries;
The investment project is not located in the immediate vicinity of any wetlands, riparian areas or river estuaries and would not cause any adverse impact on the environmental characteristics of the geographic region.
3. coastal areas and marine environment;
The investment project is not located in the immediate vicinity of any coastal areas or marine environment and would not cause any adverse impact on the environmental characteristics of the geographic region.
4. mountain and forest areas;
The investment project is not located in the vicinity of protected mountain or forest areas;
5. territories protected by the law;
The investment project is not located in the vicinity of territories protected by the law;
6. affected elements of the National Environmental Network;
The investment project is not located in the vicinity of any sites from the National Environmental network.
7. landscape and sites of historical, cultural or archaeological value;
The investment project is not located in the vicinity of any sites of historical, cultural or archaeological value.
8. territories and/or areas that are with specific safeguard status or subject to health protection.
The investment project is not located in the vicinity of sites that are with specific safeguard status or subject to health protection. It will not cause any adverse impact on human health.
IV. Type and characteristics of the potential impact on the environment, considering the possible significant consequences for the environment as a result of implementation of the investment project:
1. Impact on the population and human health, tangible assets, cultural heritage, air, water, soil, earth bowels, landscape, climate, biodiversity and its elements and on the protected territories.
The processes of construction and operation of the site will meet all norms, requirements and standards that are currently in force in Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union. No adverse impact is expected on the environment - soil, water, biodiversity and physical factors of the environment.
Impact on the components of the environment:
a) Atmospheric air and atmosphere
During the implementation of the investment project, minor temporary impact on the environment is expected during the construction works as a result from the operation of non-road construction equipment. The impact will be temporary, local and will cease after completion of the construction works.
During the operation it is expected that there will be impact on the atmospheric air only from the vehicles that enter and exit the site. The impact will be during the entire working day.
Provided that the requirements of the air-conditioning and ventilation equipment are observed, the air quality in the region, as well as in the working area, will be within the limit values, i.e. the site is not expected to cause any adverse impact on the air component of the environment.
The impact on air quality and on the atmospheric surface air as a result of the site operation will be insignificant.
b) Water
Water supply: The existing building is connected to the water supply network through the building water supply connections. The new annex will use the existing facilities within the property. No changes to the current water supply of the site are envisaged.
Waste water discharge: The household waste waters will be discharged to the sewage network through the sewage connection of the building to the existing street sewerage. There is a plan to collect the storm waters from the annex roof and discharge them into the existing site sewerage within the regulated land plot. No changes to the existing waste water discharge from the property are foreseen.
c) Soil and earth bowels
No adverse impact on the soil is expected. The excavated humus layer will be either stored within the borders of the property or will be transferred for storage at a designated site. Part of it will be used for reclamation and modelling of the terrain during the landscaping, if necessary.
The dredged spoils will be used for backfilling.
d) Landscape and natural areas
The selection of vegetation and landscaping will correspond to the climate characteristics of the region and the respective area.
e) Biodiversity
The site construction and operation will not cause any impact on the flora and fauna in the region or on any protected natural territories.
There are no known deposits or habitats of rare and protected species on the project site or in its vicinity. The region does not fall within sensitive territories with damaged ecological balance.
f) Cultural heritage
The site is not located within the safeguard zones of a cultural and historical reserve or in the vicinity of protected cultural monuments. It does not affect protected territories or territories for protection of the cultural heritage objects.
g) Waste
There are no old landfills in the region of the site.
h) Risky energy sources – noise, vibrations, radiation
There are no sources of vibrations or radiation in the investment project. The noise levels can be increased only by the vehicles entering and exiting the site. No noise levels above the norms are expected.
i) Impact on humans and human health
No risk factors that could cause harm to human health are expected during the operation of the site. The implementation of the investment project will not cause any changes to the current status of the environment and human health.
2. Impact on elements of the National Environmental Network, including on the ones located in the vicinity of the investment project.
The investment project is not located in the vicinity of any sites from the National Environmental network and will not cause any adverse impact on human health.
The described location and parameters of the investment project does not create any prerequisites for impact on the elements of the National Environmental Network.
The impact from the site operation will be local and confined to the types of activities exercised therein.
3. Expected consequences as a result of the vulnerability of the investment project to risks of major accidents and/or disasters.
No accidents and/or disasters should be expected, provided that the requirements for safety during the site construction and operation are observed.
4. Type and nature of the impact (direct, indirect, secondary, cumulative, short-term, mid-term or long-term, permanent or temporary, positive or negative).
The impact will be direct, long-term and primarily positive, considering the environmentally friendly nature of the activity, the lack of any harmful emissions to the environment and the generation of minor quantities of solid waste, which will be treated and collected in accordance with the law.
5. Degree and spatial scope of the impact - geographical region; affected population; populated areas (name, type - city, village, resort, number of people that will be potentially affected, etc.).
The project will be implemented on the terrain described under section II. 2. of this information and will not cause any adverse impact on the population in its vicinity.
There is no possibility for the project to affect people or their health. No exacerbation of the environmental status in the region of the site is expected.
6. Probability, intensity and complexity of the impact.
The site is not expected to cause any adverse impact on the environmental components. No accidents as the result of the site operation are expected, provided that the safety requirements are observed.
7. Expected occurrence, duration, frequency and reversibility of the impact.
The impact will be permanent and will not be harmful for the environment and human health.
8. Combined impact with other existing and/or authorised investment projects.
Not applicable.
9. Possibility for effective mitigation of the impacts.
Not applicable.
10. Cross-border nature of the impact.
The investment project will not have any cross-border impact.
11. Measures that need to be included in the investment project for avoiding, preventing, mitigating or compensating the assumed major adverse impacts on the environment and human health.
No major adverse impacts on the environment are expected and therefore there is no need to undertake any special measures to limit the impact. All the necessary measures to prevent any accidents during the construction and operation of the site have been undertaken.
Written instructions for the work of the staff will be drawn up in line with the requirements of the Regulation.
V. Public interest toward the investment project.
This notification, which contains the information under Annex 2 to Art. 6 of the EIA Regulation, has been published on the web site of the investor.