

Mini "Divine Comedy" and Salvador Dali in Mall Varna

07. July 2011

Some illustrations from the collection of Spanish painter Salvador Dali, created freely after the text of the greatest Italian literary masterpiece – Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, will be arranged in the mini-art space of the shopping & entertainment center Mall Varna. 

The small exposition is part of the exposition of Graffit Gallery, which includes 100 illustrations and 15 decompositions, printed on low-acid paper in Paris in 1964 by Jean Estrade, French publisher, editor and artistic director. Thanks to him, Salvador Dali managed to publish the six volumes of 100 woodcuts after the original water colours: 33 for each of the three parts of the greatest Italian literary masterpiece – Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri.

The visitors of Mall Varna will be able to see illustration also of the three main cycles on which Salvador Dali worked – Hell, Purgatory and Paradise.

Mini exposition is situated on the ground floor.