Event calendar

17 June 05 July Play the Hippoland's game -

Play the Hippoland's game - "Guess the World Champion" If you are a football fan and you are watching the games from the FIFA World Cup in Brazil and know the results - join the game of HIPPOLAND "Guess ...

26 June Summer lessons from

Summer lessons from "9 months" 5, 12, 19 и 26 June, 10:00 o'clock - Capella Play...

30 June 07 Aug There is no vacation for the seminars of

There is no vacation for the seminars of "9 months" magazine 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 July and 7 August, 10:00 h, Capella PlaySummer is in full swing and although it is time for rest, the School for Parents of 9 Months Magazine ...

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