The shop for vegan and vegetarian food will offer a rich menu for the Nativity Fast 17. November 2015 The Christmas holidays are approaching again and so it is also time for the Nativity Fast. The last fasting for the year - the Nativity Fast has commenced ...
A 68-year-old lady and a 3-month-old baby on the catwalk of the City Halloween Parade 01. November 2015 A series of new records were set during the 2015 City Halloween Parade at Mall Varna. A 3-month-old baby, a respectable 68-year-old and even a whole "devil-pirate" ...
A pumpkin weighing 32.80 kilograms was the big winner at the Festival of Fertility 18. October 2015 Gigantic fruits and vegetables grown by farmers in different parts of northeastern Bulgaria came in a close battle for the prizes of the Festival of Fertility....
The School in Vinitsa is the leader in the campaign "Support your school 2015" 02. October 2015 The campaign "Support your school," which Mall holds traditionally at the beginning of each school year, has its 2015 winner! Panayot Volov Primary School ...
A Game Meat and Delicatessen shop has welcomed its first visitors at the Mall Varna Market 25. August 2015 Connoisseurs of fine cuisine in Varna can now enjoy the taste of venison and wild boar meat, as well as other game delicacies not only in restaurants but ...