Event calendar

15 Oct Fifth-graders from the schools Chernorizets Hrabar, Cyril and Methodius, Panayot Volov and Geo Milev will participate in the campaign

Fifth-graders from the schools Chernorizets Hrabar, Cyril and Methodius, Panayot Volov and Geo Milev will participate in the campaign "Protect the child on the road" in Mall Varna October 15 at 2 pm, ground floor and Fusion Club Voyage At the beginning of the school year the campaign "Protect the child on the road" will be launched ...

09 Oct 31 Oct Star Invasion in Mall Varna from the Golden Rose Festival

Star Invasion in Mall Varna from the Golden Rose Festival October 9, 10, 11 and 12 at 7 pm, Fusion Club Voyage The most popular actors from the hottest Bulgarian soaps will visit Mall Varna. This will happen ...

08 Oct Café Olé presents: a Lot Lorien Concert

Café Olé presents: a Lot Lorien Concert Oct. 8 at 6.30 pm, fourth floor The musicians will be guests of Café Olé in Mall Varna, and will delight their fans and the visitors of the shopping and ...

03 Oct 30 Oct Fashion Hunters - Online game with prizes

Fashion Hunters - Online game with prizes Starting from October 3 you can find the special application of the game Fashion Hunters on Mall Varna’s Facebook page. Three participants in the game ...

15 Sep To school again: Let's celebrate together the beginning of the new school year!

To school again: Let's celebrate together the beginning of the new school year! 15 September, 4 p.m. (ground floor)Admission free! Traditionally, the beginning of the new school year will be celebrated at Mall Varna by a joyful party ...

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