Event calendar

29 Oct School for parents - October 13, 14, 28, from 10:00 am

School for parents - October 13, 14, 28, from 10:00 am The free workshops for parents organized by the "9 months" magazine will continue in October in the children's center Capella Play, on the 2nd floor of Mall Varna.

29 Oct Barcelona. 29 october. 8:00 pm, floor 3, Mall Varna

Barcelona. 29 october. 8:00 pm, floor 3, Mall Varna Spanish music with Rumba Afecionado & Kristo, flamenco, special wine and tapas.

23 Oct 24 Oct Fashion weekend - Fashion Shows Autumn/Winter 2010

Fashion weekend - Fashion Shows Autumn/Winter 2010 The latest collection of the leading and most popular brands in Mall Varna will be presented in two days fashion dance show

22 Oct Istanbul. 22 october, 8:00 pm, floor 3, Mall Varna

Istanbul. 22 october, 8:00 pm, floor 3, Mall Varna DJ Burak (Turkey).Tasting of traditional Turkish sweets, tea, aromatic hookahs and belly dancing.

15 Oct Dolce vita. 15 October, 8:00 pm, floor 3, Mall Varna

Dolce vita. 15 October, 8:00 pm, floor 3, Mall Varna Chocolates, chocolate fondue and chocolate sushi from the most recognized pastry chefs in Varna. Homemade cake contest.

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