Unusual fashion shows featured the latest collections of leading brands in Mall Varna 26. October 2010 For two days on October 23 - 24, Mall Varna in cooperation with the elite modeling agency VIP Fashion Group and Totally events organized a series of autumn-winter dance fashion shows.
Belly dancing, Turkish rhythms, baklava, tea and hookahs in another theme party, dedicated to Istanbul. 23. October 2010 Another of the themed party nights in Mall Varna was dedicated to the Orient.
22 ladies became real top models with Mall Varna and Grazia magazine during the campaign "Become a star ..." 21. October 2010 During two consecutive October weekends (9-10 and 16-17), the No. 1 magazine for women with dreams was a guest and a partner of Mall Varna in the campaign “Become a star with Mall Varna and Grazia magazine”.
30 kg of chocolate were used to make chocolates and a chocolate fountain in Mall Varna 21. October 2010 Visitors had the opportunity to try the tasty treats of some of the best and most recognized pastry chefs who prepared also chocolate pasta, chocolate fondue and sushi.
Lili Ignatova and CarpetMax reaching out to rhythmic gymnastics in Mall Varna 13. October 2010 Mall Varna is a major partner and host of the campaign to help rhythmic gymnastics sports clubs, organized by Carpet MAX (the market leader in floor coverings in Bulgaria) and featuring Lili Ignatova (world and European rhythmic gymnastics champion).